How might psychedelics, technology and meditation intersect to create scalable individual and collective transformation?
For millennia, humans have used ancient technologies like meditation and psychedelic medicine to expand their consciousness, support healing and facilitate deep personal and collective transformation. As we continue to expand our technological capacities in the modern age, new tools for transformation are being birthed, and hold promising potential as solutions to humanity's systemic problems.
On May 18th and 19th, 2019, Consciousness Hacking will be holding our first annual 2-day Awakened Futures Summit. Together we will explore how the renaissance of psychedelic science and the mainstreaming of contemplative practices might combine with the latest transformative technologies to create the next paradigm of healing and awakening.
Lucy will join a fascinating group of thought other leaders, visionaries, teachers, researchers and entrepreneurs at the leading-edge to explore the integration points between these domains.